HOMED scientists take part in an open class "Insects in the Cities: the good and the bad!"

HOMED scientists from the Instituto Superior de Agronomia took part in an Open Class organised by the institute, titled: "Insects in the Cities: the good and the bad!". The event which ran on 1 March 2019 was addressed to the general public and more specifically all interested in matters related to the Management of Urban Green Spaces.

Three main topics were presented and discussed at the Open Class: 

  • What if insects become part of your diet? - Elsa Borges da Silva, ISA
  • Biology of the Pine Processionary Moth: history of two populations - Manuela Branco, ISA
  • Management of Pine Processionary Moth in Urban Environment - André Garcia, ISA

Promotional material for the Open Class, titled: "Insects in the Cities: the good and the bad!".