HOMED issues its first research-based policy brief

HOMED’s first collection of policy briefs is now launched and the first policy brief is available online. The main objective of HOMED policy briefs is to provide quick and easy access to HOMED scientific insights, results, guidance and methods, designed and translated to answer the needs of policy makers and decision-makers.

The policy briefs collection will consist of separate concise outputs that aim to allow users to quickly find the topics that are of interest to them. HOMED policy briefs aim to provide short and informative research-based analysis that outline the rationale for choosing a particular policy alternative for resolving a policy issue, or introduce a new science-based solution for improvement of existing matters.

HOMED's first policy brief

The first HOMED policy brief is called "How can the surveillance of invasive alien pests and pathogens prevent tree pandemics?". It is based on the article by HOMED researchers Alberto Santini and Andrea Battisti "Complex Insect-Pathogen Interactions in Tree Pandemics" which was published in the Frontiers in Physiology journal. The policy brief provides recommendations to policy makers for better prediction and prevention of pandemics caused by invasive alien pests and diseases in European forests.

Access the HOMED Policy brief collection here.