Forestry Speed Dating #4: Digital solutions for forest pests and diseases

Theme 1: Digitalisation of forest management, inventory and monitoring.

Discover new digital solutions to improve forest management, sustainable forest operations and efficient supply. Find out more about digital tools that support forest managers’ decision-making as well as communicating what you do to the public and engaging their input.

Meet the innovators, get inspired and develop new partnerships

Forestry Speed Dating puts innovators in contact with potential partners and end-users, to speed up innovation and create new partnerships. Through a series of speed dating workshops, and facilitation of meeting with innovators, you can find inspiration and explore new solutions towards a sustainable forest circular bioeconomy for your area.

Forestry Speed Dating #4: 18 January, 10:00-11:30 (CET)

Get in touch with the innovators behind digital solutions for forest pests and diseases, and hear about how they can help you to detect their damages before it’s too late, or seek potential collaborations.

